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Find our most common support requests below:
While we have the biggest and most trusted network of suppliers on the market, we have to make clear that things work differently in the new D2 Resurrected than what you guys are used to from the “old” D2 Legacy. We’ll collect items from our supplier and piece your order together as fast as possible. Depending on your order size and how rare the item is, we’re usually able to deliver within 2-8 hours.
90% of orders are are much faster, most of them take minutesonly.
It really depends on your order. I’m sure you’ll understand that if your order is pure runes, it’s faster than if it’s a complete mix of items including some RWs with a rare base / roll.
Contact Max directly if you’re waiting longer than 12 hours and he’ll personally assist you.
While in the “old” Diablo it was easier to move items to a new account and send the data via email, in the new D2 Resurrected, we will meet in a game to exchange the items.
As soon as we were able to secure the items from our network of suppliers, we’ll notify you by email and ask you to open a password protected game. You’ll reply to the email with the name and password, so we can join the game and securely transfer the items via the trade window. Please make sure the game is without any restrictions and in normal mode (not nightmare, not hell)
While we understand the urgency to receive your items fast, our delivery process is mostly automated, and “pushing”a support request is unlikely to speed things up. Most orders take around 5-30 minutes.
As soon as the muling is completed, we send out an email with the account data.
Please check your spam folder. If you received an order confirmation email from us, but no completion email, then something might take a bit longer than expected.
If you know your order number, please go to the Order Tracking page to check the current state of your order and to find the mule accounts attached to your order.
If your order is in “review” status, it has been flagged by our system and needs be manually reviewed by one of our team members, which can take 6-12 hours. Usually it’s much faster though (30 minutes to 2 hours).